Safety Recalls-What to Do if your Car Is Recalled

When your car or any of your vehicle's equipment has been recalled,it can make you feel worried and confused. Hearing there could be a potential safety issue with the vehicle you drive every day can be cause for concern. But,knowing what to do if your car is recalled is the first step toward feeling at ease again. US News and World Report reported that according to data collected from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),in 2013 alone,there were almost 22 million vehicle safety recalls. What Can Be Recalled? Normal wear and tear and issues that arise because of an aging vehicle are not covered under recalls creader crp129. The NHTSA explains that generally only defects that present a safety threat will trigger a recall. Such defects can include,but are not limited to: Defective windshield wipers Malfunctioning transmission or steering equipment Leaky fuel systems Airbag issues Broken seats or seat belts What Do You Do When Your Car Is Recalled? Once you find out the recall applies to your vehicle or parts,getting it fixed should be a priority. If you had already received repairs for a problem that is recalled,you may also be able to get refunded for the cost of service. Refund: If no comparable replacements are available,the manufacturer will send a refund for the product at its current depreciated value. In some cases when there's a large recall,there may be a wait on a part and you may not get the problem fixed right away. If this is the case,check with the closest service center to find out if the manufacturer would fund a rental car. Sometimes if the issue is a big enough safety risk or you don't feel comfortable driving your vehicle,the manufacturer will offer a free rental until the vehicle can be fixed crp123. No matter what the possible issue,if you think your vehicle is part of a safety recall,it's a good idea to confirm and find out what your options are right away. The recall may simply be a precaution,but it may require immediate action don't delay in contacting the manufacturer or the suggested service center,if applicable.
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16 Jul 2015